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Digital Native 💻 - Real world Explorer 🌍 - Mapping Enthusiast 🧭
  • Thomas Gottschalks Villa in Malibu

    In Malibu, Los Angeles befindet sich die Sommerresidenz von “Mr. Wetten dass…” Thomas Gottschalk. Markantes Merkmal ist der Windmühlen-Turm der Villa. 🔥 Update November 2018: Laut Medienberichten wurde das Anwesen bei einem verheerenden Waldbrand zerstört. Thomas Gottschalk war zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht anwesend. Seine Familie konnte gerettet werden. Display "2006 | Michelle Hunziker bei «Wetten,…

  • The Beach Boys Historic Landmark

    The Beach Boys Historic Landmark commemorates the site of the childhood home of Brian, Carl, and Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys. It was dedicated on May 20, 2005.

  • Sign of the time

    The sculpture “Sign of the time” in the City of Pasadena is installed above a garage entrance. It was created in 1999 by Jack Sullivan.

  • Olympic museum

    The Olympic museum is located in Lausanne, Switzerland. It is operated by the International Olympic Comitee.

  • Prada boutique in Valentine, Texas

    The Prada store (luxury boutique) in the middle of nowhere is a permanent art work that was installed in October 2005. Yes, the Prada company gave permission for use of their logo 😉

  • Hotel del Coronado

    The Hotel del Coronado is an U.S. National Historic Landmark which is located in San Diego. It opened in 1888 and has been featured in many movies and TV productions like Baywatch and “Some Like It Hot” (Marilyn Monroe), etc. A room in the hotel is supposed to be haunted by the ghost of Kate…

  • NAVCEN – U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center

    The NAVCEN – U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center manages the Global Positioning System (GPS). Its base is located in Alexandria, Virginia near Washington D.C. If you are interested in “How GPS works” you can find more information here:

  • Valley of the Kings

    The Valley of the Kings is a tomb site for the kings of the Ancient Egypt. One of the most famous archaeological sites in the world is the tomb of Tutankhamun. It became an UN World Heritage Site in 1979.

  • Victorinox AG

    Victorinox AG was founded in 1884 and manufactures the world famous Swiss Army knives.

  • Mag Instrument, Inc. headquarters

    The headquarters of Mag Instrument, Inc. are located in Ontario, California. Mag Instrument produces the world famous Maglite® flashlights since 1979.

  • Pfizer World headquarters

    Pfizer Inc. is the world’s largest pharmaceutical company. Its World headquarters are located in New York City.

  • AT&T headquarters

    AT&T is the largest provider of local, long distance telephone services and the second-largest provider of wireless services in the United States. The corporate headquarters are located in the One AT&T Plaza, Dallas/Texas.