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  • IBM

    The headquarters of IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) are located in Armonk, New York.

  • Ocean Breeze Gorilla

    Funny Gorilla statue next to Ocean Breeze water park in Virginia Beach.

  • Mozilla headquarters

    The new headquarters of the Mozilla Foundation are located in Mountain View, California.

  • Gumball 3000 (August 2008)

    The Gumball 3000 (3000 miles) is an international rally (Motto “It’s not a Race, It’s a Rally”) on public roads. The event takes place every year since 1999. In August 2008 the organizers celebrate their 10th anniversary. Start is in San Francisco with checkpoints in Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, a flight to Nanjing…

  • The world’s first McDonald’s restaurant

    The world’s first McDonald’s restaurant opened on April 15, 1955 in Des Plaines, Illinois. Now the restaurant is operated as a museum and store.

  • Filmstudio Babelsberg

    Das Filmstudio Babelsberg ist das älteste Großfilmstudio der Welt und das größte Filmstudio Deutschlands. Es wurde 1911 in Potsdam-Babelsberg bei Berlin gegründet. Wie in allen großen Filmstudios befindet sich am Hauptgelände in der “Filmpark Babelsberg” ein Freizeitpark. Bekannte Produktionen waren Metropolis, Duell – Enemy at the Gates, Die Bourne Verschwörung, In 80 Tagen um die…

  • Bavaria Filmstudios

    Die Bavaria Film- und Fernsehstudios befinden sich in München. Sie wurden 1919 gegründet und gehören heute zu den größten Deutschen Filmstudios. Wie in allen großen Filmstudios befindet sich am Hauptgelände in der “Bavaria Filmstadt” ein Freizeitpark. Bekannte Produktionen waren u.a. Das Boot, Die unendliche Geschichte, Tatort, etc.

  • Pinewood Studios

    The Pinewood Film Studios are located near London. They were built in 1934 and are nowadays the leading British film production company. Famous productions were James Bond, Harry Potter, The Bourne Ultimatum, Batman Begins, The Da Vinci Code, Tomb Raider, Four Weddings and a Funeral, etc.

  • Rolle Airfield

    Triangle shaped airfield in Arizona.

  • Pentagon

    The “Pentagon” is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense. The pentagon shaped building is located in Arlington, Virginia. It was built in 1943.

  • Charging Bull

    The “Charging Bull” (Wall Street Bull) is a huge bronze sculpture designed by Arturo Di Modica. It was installed in 1989 as a “guerrilla art” and is now located in a public park near the Broadway in New York City.

  • Eiffel tower

    The Eiffel tower is the landmark of Paris. It was constructed from 1887 – 1889 for the Exposition Universelle which was held in Paris in 1889. The height of the tower is 324 metres (1,063 ft). It’s architect was Gustave Eiffel.