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Digital Native 💻 - Real world Explorer 🌍 - Mapping Enthusiast 🧭
  • Beautiful snow scenery in Antarctica

    Zoom in to view the image data.

  • Vierschanzen-Tournee 2007/2008

    Zum Jahreswechsel findet die 4Schanzen-Tournee, eine alljährliche Skisprung-Weltcupveranstaltung, statt. Die Bewerbe werden in Oberstdorf (29./30.12.2007), Partenkirchen (31.12.2007/01.01.2008), Innsbruck (03./04.01.2008) und Bischofshofen (05./06.01.2008) ausgetragen.

  • Antarctic Ice Marathon 2007

    From December 10 – December 21, 2007 the Antarctic Ice Marathon, the world’s hardest running event is held in Antarctica. The event takes place at the Patriot Hills camp. There is a quota of 20 persons that have to accomblish the distance in less than 24h.

  • Smiley

    Kreide-Smiley auf Asphalt in Deutschland.

  • Methuselah trees

    The world’s oldest trees – and the oldest living organism currently known – are about 4,800 years old. They are located in « the Forest of Ancients » in the White Mountains in California.

  • Gulliver in Valencia

    A park in Valencia, Spain based on « Gulliver’s travels » by Jonathan Swift.

  • Face in a corn field

    Face (?) in a corn field in Germany.

  • North Pole Marathon: World’s Coolest Marathon

    The next « North Pole Marathon » starts on 26th of March, 2008. The runway with a distance of 26.2 miles (42 kilometres) is located at the North Pole station (Camp Barneo).

  • Wasserflugzeug über Berlin

    Ein Wasserflugzeug über Berlin, das den Flughafen Berlin-Tempelhof anfliegt.

  • Mount St. Helens

    An active volcano (height 2,550 m) on the west-coast in Washington, USA. In May 1980 an eruption removed much of the mountain top and left a large crater.

  • The world’s largest fingerprint

    … is a « Fingermaze » at Hove Park in Brighton. It was created of York stone by Chris Drury in 1993.

  • The world’s biggest stamp

    This big stamp with the word « FREE » on it was created by Claes Oldenburg in 1985. It is now located in a park in Cleveland, Ohio.