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Digital Native 💻 - Real world Explorer 🌍 - Mapping Enthusiast 🧭
  • Charlie Sheen’s mansion

    This is the Sherman Oaks house of the famous actor Carlos Irwin Estevez, better known as Charlie Sheen.

  • Map of real-time streamflow

    Display real-time streamflow in the United States.

  • Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant

    The Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant is located in Okuma, Japan. On 11 March 2011, after a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and a tsunami, the cooling systems of the power plant collapsed and caused several explosions which unleashed radioactive materials into the air.

  • Chernobyl disaster

    The Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear power plant accident which occured on 26 April 1986 in Chernobyl (Ukraine). „Chernobyl disaster: First aerial video“ von YouTube anzeigen Click here to display content from YouTube. Erfahre mehr in der Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube. Inhalt von YouTube immer anzeigen

  • USGS tectonic plates KML file

    The tectonic plates are the large, thin, relatively rigid plates that move relative to one another on the outer surface of the Earth.

  • Nintendo headquarters

    Nintendo was founded in 1889 as a card games manufacturer based in Kyoto, Japan. In the 1970s the company developed to one of the most important video game companies in the world.

  • Capitol Records Tower

    The Capitol Records Tower is on eof the most famous buildings in Los Angeles. It was constructed from 1955-1956 as headquarters for Capitol Records (EMI).

  • Super Bowl XLV

    The 45th edition of the Super Bowl will be played on February 6, 2011. Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Green Bay Packers Stadium: Cowboys Stadium, Arlington, Texas

  • World Economic Forum

    The World Economic Forum (WEF), founded in 1971, is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. All annual meetings are held in Davos, Switzerland.

  • Abbey Road, Beatles zebra crossing in London

    This is the zebra crossing near Abbey Road Studios where the famous Beatles Cover for „Abbey Road“ (the last recorded Beatles-album, 1969) was shot.

  • Wettlauf zum Südpol

    Seit Sonntag, den 19. 12. 2010 um 16.25 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Zeit sind die Teams von Österreich und Deutschland zum Südpol unterwegs. Bei rund minus 30 Grad und eisigem Wind sind Hermann Maier, Tom Walek, Sabina Grillitsch und Alex Serdjukow sowie ihre deutschen Gegner Joey Kelly, Markus Lanz, Claudia Beitsch und Dennis Lehnert von der großen…

  • Star of David on the headquarters of Iran Air

    A Star of David can be found on the Iran Air headquarters in Tehran. The building was constructed by Israeli engineers back in the 1970s and they wanted to place a symbol of friendship.